Sunday, February 24, 2013

More Adventures

These past few days I've been hanging out with Rosie because the others have abandoned us both for more interesting corners of the world.  So we went to see Les Miserables

Great film, I don't have time to talk about it right now (except to say that a French lady shushed us in the theater...which makes no sense since we weren't really talking and the french can't keep their mouths shut ever.  Plus the fact that the film was in English and she was relying on the French subtitles. Just saying.)

This morning I am leaving on an adventure.  I promise to take lots of photos and enjoy myself and tell you all about it when I return.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

How to walk down a certain street in Verdun

...and (how do I put this politely) keep your shoes clean.

1) Do not step in anything brown, black, grey, green, (or any color other than cement...I wouldn't trust the cement either, but sometimes you just have to take a chance) or moist looking.

1.1) To be on the safe side, avoid sticks as well.

2) Unless is has just rained, do not walk in any puddles or trickles of water, especially around trash cans (hey, garbage can produce water sometimes too!)

3) When it are in luck! undesirable substances are a good deal easier to spot in whiteout conditions.

 Good Luck!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mary's Day Off

After a long Monday which included walking back and forth to my lycee two times (for a total of 12k) which was followed by a dinner chez Philippe (interpret: a late night) and then a Tuesday of four hours of me talking about Chicago and another hour of working with my students on a project (during which my voice was completely gone), I was exhausted.  Coupled with the fact that I had a cold, my last two days did not go well at all.

In short, I am taking the day off.  I've cancelled all regular engagements for the afternoon and am going to treat myself to furious novel writing and adventures.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A life between two worlds

On one hand, I can't believe I've been in France for so long, but on the other, I can't believe how little I've written about my experiences.  This blog was never meant to be a play by play of my life as an assistant (of which I am guilty of doing on occasion), but rather to give a slice of what my life is like here in Verdun.  I guess that's what evens it out.

Lately, I've been wondering what it will be like when I return home.  I'm only just getting to know the people here (some I've known since day one, others I'm just starting to know).  As one of my students told me recently when I was explaining about all the friends I have throughout the world (thanks study abroad!) "You really know everyone!" (except in french, everyone comes out as tout le monde, which makes it sound like I know everyone in the world).  I love looking at a map of the world and pointing out places I've been and the different countries where I know someone.  My world map is literally filled with my friends.  That's a nice feeling to have. It makes me terribly sad to think that in a few months, I may never see them again. (although I will probably vow to come back to visit them, or make them vow to visit me).  Some people are just too good to leave behind forever.

I am also very happy and excited to see my friends when I return home, but I know things will not be the same.  I've grown up and changed and so have they.  There may be some friends I have at home whom I may never see again, even though we live in the same state.  weird.  Change is not a bad thing; it's just weird.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I have exactly one hour before my least favorite season of the year begins--lent (I am eating a chocolate bar as I write this, just so you know).

I hate it, but lent is always really good for me. 

Some lents I give things up, some lents I do something extra, (sometimes I do both).  This year, I am going to get my prayer life more in order and do some spiritual reading.  When things get busy, it's so hard to sit down and make time for prayer.  In reality, it should be like breathing.  When I get busy, I usually go for the most important task I need to do first, when what I really should be doing is taking a breath before the plunge (prayer). Discipline is something everyone needs, especially in the spiritual side of things. I figure that if I can get that part of my life in regimental order, I can do anything.

I am also going without sweets, because it wouldn't be lent without that. 

I don't like lent because it makes me change.  I don't like change, but it's good for me.

 Hello internet, this is what my lent is going to be like (now I have all of you to remind me of the shame I will incur if I don't do what I set out to do).

53 minutes...and one last piece of chocolate before I turn in.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hello World!

It's me, Mary and I just want to say that I'm back from the dead..not really.

I lost my internet access for a few days, which meant I was haunting Macdo and crashing at the other assistants' place.

Since my last post, I have been to Metz over the weekend to see a chocolate expo, acquired a new roommate whom I shall call Number 3 and who isn't as bad as I thought, got hit by a whirlwind snowstorm (literally), and made crepes twice :)  Sorry, no pictures.  I have started carrying my camera around with me, but I just don't feel that some things are picture-worthy.  Oh well, I'm working on it.  I mean, I have pictures of the assistants playing I Spy on the train to Metz, but those are simply not blog-worthy.

Until next time,