And I don't mean the movie with Fred Astair, although, after today, I could just as well dance on the ceiling:
Today I went to Luxembourg with some friends to see the capitol, and it just happened to be the same day as the wedding between now Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg (heir to the throne). We got to Luxembourg Ville around the time when the wedding was supposed to end and waited patiently with the crowd. Nobody knew if the royal couple was going to pass our way or not, but they saw everyone else standing there, so naturally they assumed....perfect example of the herd effect, ladies and gents.
Anyway, we saw the guard marching in (part of their army of 900)
This was my view of the royal couple: (That black speck is the car they are getting into)
This is what the cameras saw:
Aren't they an adorable couple! Every shop had the official engagement photo proudly displaying in their front window. Oh, they were so proud!
A few random obeservations about the people of Luxembourg:
- they look like the Belgians. I expected them to look French, for some reason.
- they act French, that is to say, they are jokers. (The man at ice cream truck wouldn't answer our questions unless we bought something. He tried to sell us a mug with the royal couple on it so that we would think about true love every morning with our coffee. He also kept raising the price of his postcards.)
- they all speak at least three languages. Everyone we encountered spoke French, some German, sometimes English, and probably Luxembourgish (yes, a country smaller than the state of Rhode Island has its own, unique language. Is that cute or what? New thing on my bucket list: learn Luxembourgish)
- their motto seems to be, small but great. They are very proud of their country, as they should be.
Luxembourg is so beautiful. I can't wait to go back. Is it possible to fall in love with a country? I think so.
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