Sunday, November 25, 2012

message sans titre...

This is more of a catching up post.

Let's see, last week I got a new roommate, aced my OFII medical visit (for my visa), met some new assistants (including one from Chicago, YAY!), went to Nancy (twice), went to confession in French (major goal accomplished), made a truly French pumpkin pie (with a potimarron, or as it it known as in English, a red kuri squash), ate a delicious Thanksgiving dinner put on by the Nancy assistants, rocked my six-classes-in-one-day Thursday, learned logistics vocabulary with my students, and watched a French movie without subtitles (and still laughed hysterically).

So, as you can see, I've been terribly busy.  Thanksgiving was a blast, but exhausting nonetheless.  I have to say, I've met some pretty nice people here and I am very thankful for that.  My OFII exam thing was a little scary, but with the other assistants to laugh and joke around with (and enjoy pumpkin soup with!) it wasn't half bad  (thank you so much, guys!!!  I had a lot of fun, even though Paul coffee isn't all it's cracked up to be).  This week (unusually) I had class with some logistics students to help them learned some useful phrases in English to help them with their jobs.  I laughed so much with them.  It was great!  There was a Nicolas in each group and each Nicolas was a troublemaker (the teacher had to chase one of them around the room and finally sent "le monstre" out into the hallway!).  Such fun in English class.

If you want to see pictures of Thanksgiving, check out my sister's blog.

That's all for now!

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