This past weekend, I went with the other assistants from Verdun and my sister to Metz to see the Marché de Noël - which was all over the city. We tasted churros, which the French pronounce as shehros (or chi-chi, which they pronounce as she-she). According to my friend Chico, they were not very authentically Spanish. Then we went to Flunch for lunch, which is this crazy cafeteria place where you choose your salad and stuff, then your meat. You pay for that stuff, then collect your meat from any station and pick out your starches/veggies. It was good, but not good enough for me to go back.
Feeling cold, we decided to spend the rest of the day indoors. We went to the Centre Pompidou, which is a modern art museum (like the one in Paris). They have three floors. My favorite floor was the top floor. It was a black and white photography exhibit, except the room was completely dark and they gave us flashlights to explore (that we had to crank up constantly, or they wouldn't have enough light to see anything). Great idea, but poorly executed. I think the fact that we got bored was part of the problem. Laura, Steffi, and Chico had a flashlight war while Rosie and I tried to actually view the pictures.
On the second floor, they had a wall exhibit. I kid you not. They were these walls that were painted and had lines drawn on them. When we first walked in, they had these square designs on the wall facing. It looked like they used to have paintings on them, but they had been taken down. That's what I thought, anyway, until I realized that all the walls were like that. oops!
My roommate tells me that they change the exhibits all the time, so I might go back sometime. It's worth more than one visit, according to the assistants who live in Metz.
The walls exhibit. Personally, the bottom picture reminds me of Ventures...
Wow... that wall exhibit looks dizzying!